4.1 Reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of my production work
How close was your final production to the initial ideas that you had? The final production was NOWHERE close to the original idea I had. My original idea was to make stereotypical youtube,short film-style short horror film. My idea then changed to a found haunted tape style of horror video featuring a clown doll and the clown entity attached to it, similar to the tapes in All Hallow's Eve but without the gore. This was due to slight idea changes and premier pro not working for ages. How appropriate was your final product to your intended target audience? It Wasn't appropriate as it didn't turn out as intended. It wouldn't even be able to be classed as a horror. My target audience originally was for horror fans. But due to technical issues, couldn't introduce the horror element. What contribution did you make to the film (if in a group discuss your technical contributions e.g. camerawork, sound etc , if on your own...