How to setup a Canon 1200D 1.1

 How to setup a Canon 1200D

1.Turn on the camera

2.Remove the lense of the camera, slightly press the end and remove to see the screen 

3.Keep it on automode 

4. Click the black button furthest away to focus then capture the photo 

5. Click the bottom button to go onto gallery 

6. Click the buttons off center (left+right etc) to navigate through the gallery

ISO stands for International Standards Organisation, even though it does NOT directly refer to the organisation.It is the light sensitivity rating of a digital image sensor which will brighten or darken a photo. AS the ISO number increases, the photos will get progressively brighter and vice-a-versa for it decreasing. Because of this, iso is good to use in darker settings. However, if the ISO setting is raised too high, it will show a lot of grain. So you should really only raise ISO if unable to brighten a photo through shutter speed.

The lowest ISO setting is the "base ISO". This is very important as it gives you the potential to produce the highest image quality, minimising the visibility of noise as much as possible.

-How to change ISO? To start, enter a mode that lets you select the ISO yourself.Get out of Auto mode, and go to Manual, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, or Program.

Focusing consists of moving the lens element until the sharpest frame is achieved. Depending on the distance of the subject from the camera, the focusing elements have to be set a certain distance from the camera's sensor to form a clear image.When the shutter-release button is half way. The photographer can choose whether the camera locks or to adjust the focus (while this is still pressed half way). The setting that controls this is focus mode. 


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