LA2:Use Research Techniques to Gather Material: Film Proposals

 What is a film proposal?-  A film proposal is a visual representation of what the film is going to look like, financially, story-wise and production-wise. 

How is a film proposal used in the industry?- In the film industry,  a film proposal is used to give people an idea of what the film will look like.

What is the content of a film proposal?-  A film proposal contains the longline(what the script is about), screenplay structure ( a brief summary of the key aspects of the film), characters(describe the relevant characters in detail), film treatment(the film should read like a short story at this point) and target audience/usp. (n/a). How to write a film proposal. Available: Last accessed 2/12/20. (n/a). film proposal. Available: Last accessed 2/12/20.


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